Friday, August 17, 2012


I have been suffering with my migraines for quite awhile and recently saw my neuro dr.  I call him the "brain dr." 

This last visit wasn't very good.  I should have been doing better, we increased my meds to double the dose but I wasn't feeling any relief, I'm still popping Vicadin way too often.  He doesn't feel I am addicted as I can go for days without it and don't "need" it, but at the same time, I shouldn't be needing it like I should. 

So we discussed a few things.  One of the things he noticed was about a year ago, my celebrax consumption decreased but my Vicadin increased.  I am taking the Celebrax for my psoriatic arthritis, mainly my back pain.  So he made a change, added Cymbalta, doubled my Celebrax (as before) and see me in 3 months. 

Its been a week and for the first time in months, I don't feel exhausted when the weekend hits.  I look forward to doing some yard work, to getting up and moving.   Is this from the Cymbalta? From the relief in the pain?  Since my head hasn't hurt in 2 days straight?

I'm counting my blessings.

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