Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The World of Psoriasis

Recently I was asked to record a segment for Everyday Health about living with Psoriasis.  I was diagnosed with it when I was 5 yrs old.  I have never covered up my skin, never hid under long pants or long sleeves.  I grew up doing Irish Step dancing, so I was always on stage performing.  You can clearly see the spots on my legs in this picture.

I was never embarrassed by my skin, it was and still is, just a part of who I am.  As the years have gone by, my psoriasis  has changed, my legs have become clear, while my arms have pigment scars from the years of medication.  I have lots of spots on my hands, some on my face but that is less visible and more something that I can feel when I put on my make up. 

I rarely put on medication now.  Its not for any real reason other than I don't care what my skin looks like.  If I itch, then I will put on meds, but I find the best treatment for me is making sure I keep my skin moisturized.  In the winter, I find oil is the best, I have a few products that I love.  Vaseline Oil Gel for one.  Love the smell, and the way it soaks in, I put it on at night and it keeps me nice and soft for a day or two.  I also will take a bath with Aveeno Bath Oil and put that on my skin after I get out.  I also can't sing the praises enough for any hand lotion with oatmeal and shea butter.  I have 2 -3 different kinds of lotion on my office desk that I use through out the day.  Anything to prevent me from itching!

My other recommendation is to always wear gloves when working in water or outside.  Protect the skin!

Since I have had psoriasis for so long, I also have Psoriatic Arthritis.  I developed it around the age of 19, but wasn't officially diagnosed until my mid-20's.  Then when I was properly diagnosed, I had a horrible doctor who scared the living daylights out of me and I went into denial and didn't treat it properly for another 10 years.  I took over the counter medications and managed to give myself 4 ulcers.  Lets just say that ibuprofen is not my friend.  Now I see a specialist at U of M in Ann Arbor, get yearly checkups with X-Rays, and take proper medications.  My pain is under control and I lead a pretty full life.  My advice, if you don't like your first doctor, get a second opinion, don't run and hide from it. 

Living with psoriasis is not horrible.  I have only had 5 people in my whole life EVER say ANYTHING to me about my skin that was bad.  I wasn't made fun of for it in school, and my skin was visible.  I encourage all people "if you got it, flaunt it!"

For more information about psoriasis

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